What is the Alliance of Pan American Round Tables?

The name of this Pan American Women's Movement is the Alliance of Pan American Round Tables, founded on October 16, 1944 and registered as a Civil Society by the Organization of American States (OAS) in 2001.

It was created as a coordinating entity of the Pan American Round Tables, it has no political, religious or profit purposes and was created in the United States of America, at the initiative of Florence Terry Griswold.

Its Members work to promote education, foster mutual knowledge, understanding and friendship of the peoples of the American Continent, under the motto:

“One for all and all for one.” “One for all and all for one.”


Promote education, foster mutual knowledge, understanding and friendship among the peoples of the American Continent.


Assume a proactive attitude to build the foundations and achieve the functions of education and contribute to achieving more just, productive, equitable societies and freer beings.

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